Intro 4 Real Estate Settings

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Run Time 10:38 Time Covers / More Tutorials
0:00 - 0:18 Video Overview.
------------- Restricting your site to certian areas/cities
0:24 - 4:13 How To Login.
4:14 - 6:16 Search Features.
------------- Tab: Main
6:19 - 6:38 Default Property Sort.
6:39 - 7:45 Force Registration Settings.
------------- Tab: Listing Detail View
7:46 - 8:09 What is a detail view page.
8:10 - 8:36 Meta and such
8:37 - 9:00 Layout, Releated Listings
9:01 - 9:19 Phone Required on Form
9:20 - 9:34 Content above & Below property detail page.
------------- Tab: Mortage Calculator
9:35 - 9:41 Mortage Calculator settings.
------------- Tab: Featured Listings
9:42 - 10:15 Understanding
9:52 - 10:05 Sitemap
10:14 - 9:16 Office Listings